When thinking ahead to 2011 Shanan and I knew it would be a year of transition, a stepping stone of a year, leading from one place to another in many aspects of our lives. I toyed with the word transition being my mantra for this year....but in the end, transition is passive, it almost feels like something that happens without any help from me, so, this year is the year of CHANGE!
Change doesn't have to be scary, it can be fun. It might be challenging, but looking ahead to where we plan to be in the next year or two is downright exciting.
One of the first little changes I'm making is here on my blog. I'm in the process of redesigning from scratch, sprucing things up, decluttering, and making it more "me". It may take awhile (I'm in no hurry, the process is too fun) but you may see things moved from time to time, and eventually there should be a big "am I at the right place?!" kinda change!
I'm also changing a few things about my crafty posts. I'm trying to make these easier to write up so I blog more often - so I'm not going to list separate cardstock or ink colours anymore. Instead I'll list my main colour combo (using SU colour names) - I think you're all smart enough to work it out from there! I'm also going to stop categorising stamping posts by technique and will instead use occasions as topics from here on out, that should make it easier for you to find projects relevant to your interests.
I'll be studying full time again this year, but I'm also hoping to find the time to blog more about my life and other creative interests - I want to extend my sewing skills and who knows, hopefully I'll pick up yet another craft this year! I know some of you are here strictly for stamping posts, there'll be lots of those of course, but I hope you'll find inspiration in other areas of my creative life too.
I'm continuing on with the OCC challenge blog for another six months, so there's lots to look forward to there and I have a few challenges I'd like to take part in more often as a participant so there should be plenty keeping me stamping and sharing!
Before I go, perhaps you'd consider making a wee change for me? I love to answer the questions and comments you leave via email - but SO many of you are "no-reply bloggers". Not sure what that is? I'm going to leave you with this post from one of MY favourite bloggers and maybe you'll consider changing a setting or two so it's easier to stay in touch!
I for one am a big fan of the changes so far. Did I mention the underskirt for my dress is orange polka dot? Will be sending some fabric samples for color co-ordination purposes soon :-)