Hi, I'm Sarah, and I'm an addict. Yup, one teeny weeny, imperfect, crooked little quilt, and I already know this "womanly art" (I saw that phrase on a blog today - love it!) is my new addiction.
I've been drooling over quilts and quilting for awhile now. I've tried my hand at some small scale pieces, pincushions and make-up bags - but the new, modern take on quilts with new modern fabrics have been calling my name. It was inevitable. I love colour, I love prints, I love making things. Quilting and I were always going to fall in love.
So I jumped in. Admittedly, with some bordering on ugly fabric I picked up before I knew what I loved (hey, at least it didn't matter if I failed big time using this fabric!) - but jump I did. I followed my usual MO - no classes, teach myself by reading then learn by doing.
This is the result....
Garish? yeah - pretty much. Am I still stupidly proud of it? Yup! This is my Cat Mat. I have one of those cats that likes to sit ON things. Usually anything black she can shed white fur all over. So I made this little quilt for Luna, and she loves it....
It's great for sleeping on....

and cleaning on.....
and practicing her over-the-shoulder pose on.....
and she gets very mad should it happen to be stolen for awhile!
Here's the back....this is where you can see my not-straight-at-all stitch in the ditch quilting, and yeah, I hand finished the binding - but only because I bought single fold bias tape and thought it was double fold! Oh well, good practice.
Yeah, I could have centered it better on my pieced fabric too - but again, I love it. My first itty bitty quilt.
I already have the top of a disappearing nine patch table runner sewn and waiting to be quilted. Amy Butler fabric this time....serious fabric love there. I hope to have it finished to share soon!