July 25, 2011

Google +

Just popping by quickly....I finally got an invite to Google + and I really, really like it so far. I've always disliked Facebook's inability to control who you share information with easily. It never made sense to me that family should be bombarded with craft stuff for instance, which is why I have a separate fan page for THinkINGSTAMPS. These days it's more important than ever to have control over what you put online.

Soooo....if you'd like an invite to Google + so you can give it a whirl, just leave me a comment. Make sure you leave your email address please! I promise, no spamming you with photos of my adorable cats!

 Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love cats, but am really allergic, it's a sad story to be honest. :) No need to be told right now. :D

    Would love to have a Google+ invite. My email is:


    See you there!

    Regards from Israel


  2. I'd love an invite if you still have one. sherbertink@gmail.com . Thanks so much! :)

  3. I would sooo love an invite!


  4. I have google+:) How do I add you to my circle? my account is jmdmoo Gmail

  5. Would love an invite!!
    Thanks so much!


Your comments mean the world to me - thank you!

I reply to comments via email, so if you would like a reply, please leave your address in the comment!